Reebok pune presiune pe Oscaruri: dati premii si antrenorilor de fitness

Reebok pune presiune pe Oscaruri: dati premii si antrenorilor de fitness

Ganditi-va la Ryan Gosling in "La La Land". Sau la Tom Hardy in "The Dark Knight Rises". Credeti ca oamenii astia ajung sa arate asa cum arata pentru ca au o rabdare de fier sa caute pe internet ce au voie sa manance si ce nu? Sau ce exercitii de gamba merg cel mai bine cu ce exercitii de coapse? Pe naiba! Au angajati care le dau, la propriu, mura-n gura. Ii platesc cum i-or plati - la rezultat sau la ora, iar cateva luni mai tarziu, avanpremiera de film si milioanele in cont. 

Antrenorii de fitness fac minuni cu rasfatatii astia ai soartei, care n-au alta treaba decat sa se antreneze si sa-si aranjeze parul. Asa ca Reebok, prin CEO-ul Matt O’Toole, s-a gandit sa le faca munca trainerilor cunoscuta si apreciata: i-a trimis o scrisoare deschisa lui John Bailey, proaspat numit in functia de presedinte al Academiei de Film Americane (The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences).

Iar in scrisorica asta, pe care o redam in intregime mai jos, omul spune asa: daca exista premiul Oscar pentru "Best Makeup and Hairstyling", de ce sa nu existe un Oscar pentru Best Fitness Trainer? Tipul care l-a ajutat pe Brad Pitt sa se pregateasca pentru "Fight Club" ar fi meritat unul. Sau tipul/tipa care a fost atent(a) ca macar corpul Angelinei sa apara ok in toate filmele alea pe care le-a facut.  

Si poate n-ar fi o idee rea sa se bage si un Oscar pentru dieteticienii de la Hollywood. Alti profesionisti subapreciati care rezolva probleme de incredere dintre cele mai importante. Jonah Hill, de exemplu, grasutul preferat al Americii, tocmai a dat jos vreo 20 de kile. Iar pentru rolul din "The Machinist", nu uitati ca Christian Bale a slabit 30 de kilograme in mai putin de 4 luni. La fel, nu va imaginati ca si-a stors lamaie-n ceai in toata perioada asta. Bogatii nu fac foamea. A urmat o dieta desteapta prescrisa de un om.

Iata, deci, cum vine dreptatea unui element de productie de la un brand de sportswear:

 Mr. Bailey:

Congratulations on your recent election to President of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Your accomplished career is a testament to the craft of cinematography and visual storytelling.

As someone who has worked behind the camera, you know the hard work, commitment and artistry that occurs even before the first camera rolls or scene is set.

Reebok understands that too. And we want to celebrate that work with a new Academy award category, Best Fitness Trainer.

We believe we must honor the bodies we’ve been given. And I’m asking you to honor those who help propel our favorite artists to fame and fortune along the way.

There are hundreds of major motion picture actors and actresses that transform their bodies for roles each year. Fans cheer for them during thrilling stunt scenes and weep for them when their characters lose a pinnacle fight.

While their performances are lauded, their practice is not. The best scenes and storylines today often require amazing physical transformations, and actors and actresses rely heavily on a small field of expert trainers to get them in fighting, flying and filming shape.

The Academy should celebrate the craft of fitness.

For the last 36 years the Academy has awarded Best Makeup and Hairstyling, which has defined the standards of beauty for generations. And the industry’s leading sound mixers have been recognized since 1930 for bringing emotion to even the quietest moments in cinema. For a time, all these artists were also unrecognized.

Why not also reward the people who keep our role models in peak condition?

These people often hail from outside the glitz of Hollywood. They’ve crafted their expertise on the playing field, in their garage gyms and even defending our country. Their diverse backgrounds mean they are not traditional movie heroes, but ask any motion picture star and they will tell you, these are the people who power the scenes and stories fans love so much.

Let’s call attention to this group and reward their hard work with the rigors of other motion picture crafts. No longer will these be the unsung heroes of summer blockbusters but instead role models for fans everywhere. 

Matt O’Toole
President, Reebok

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