
Orice text de pe o pagina de web, care contine un link catre o alta parte a aceleasi pagini, catre alta pagina sau catre orice alt file(probabil pentru a rula o animatie/audio/video sau pentru a downloada un document). Cuvintele hypertext sunt subliniate pe paginile web. Link-urile exista de cele mai multe ori sub forma grafica: butoane, bannere sau alte tipuri de imagini de pe o pagina(vezi: Banner, Buttons, Click, Click-Through, WWW, Web Page).

Any text on a web page that contains a clickable link to another part of the same page, to another web page or to any other file (possibly to trigger an animation/audio/video or to download a file). Hypertext words are typically underlined on web pages. Clickable links to other pages or files are also often graphical, such as buttons and ad banners, or any of the other images on a page (see Banner, Buttons, Click, Click-Through, WWW, Web Page).

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