Inventory Remarketing

Strategie inovativa de reducere a riscului in introducerea unui produs nou. O actiune prioritara in lansarea unui produs nou este negocierea cu o companie de remarketing de inventar, pentru cazul in care produsul nu se vinde conform planului; compania de remarketing va cumpara o parte din stoc, la un pret stabilit anterior, si va revinde marfa, de obicei pe piete diferite si prin canale de distributie diferite.

An innovative strategy for reducing the risks of introducing a new product. Prior to the launch of the new product, a firm may negotiate with an inventory remarketing company for the sale of any unused stock of the new product in the event that it fails to sell as well as expected; thus, the inventory remarketing company will buy the balance of the stock, at the previously agreed price, and resell it, usually in a different market and through different distribution channels.