Disjunctive Model (of Brand Evaluation)

Model folosit in studiul proceselor de luare a deciziei de cumparare pentru a analiza marcile alternative; ideea conform careia consumatorul, pe cale de achizitie, evalueaza marcile concurente pe baza catorva atribute, ignorand alte trasturi ale produsului. Alte modele ale evaluarii marcii sunt modelul valorii asteptate, modelul marcii ideale, modelul conjunctiv, modelul lexicografic si modelul determinantei.

A model used in the study of consumer decision processes to evaluate alternative brands; the idea that consumers, about to make a purchase, evaluate competing brands on the basis of one or a few attributes, ignoring their standing on other attributes. Other models of brand evaluation include the expectancy-value model, ideal brand model, conjunctive model, lexicographic model and determinance model.