Case.Digital content marketing masterclass travels to Bucharest

Case.Digital content marketing masterclass travels to Bucharest

As a part of a Worldwide tour, Case.Digital content marketing workshop by Hando Sinisalu will be held in Bucharest on March 6th.

The masterclass is highly practical, including best practice case studies from all over the World. Based on the theoretical framework and International best practice case studies, content marketing ideas will be created during the workshop for every participant.

It’s fair to say that every participant will leave the workshop with practical ideas that can be implemented immediately. You can register for the masterclass on the 6th of March here:

Hando Sinisalu has over 20 years of experience in marketing and media – trained as a journalist but spent most of his career in marketing. This combination enables him to truly understand the essence of content marketing. He has trained marketing specialists in over 30 countries – from South Africa to South Korea, from India to Slovenia.

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