[Weekend Watch List] Cioc, cioc! Cine e? Nu știu!

[Weekend Watch List] Cioc, cioc! Cine e? Nu știu!

Lucrurile se precipită, dar într-un mod ciudat. Chiar dacă noile generații de adulți amână totul - casă, mașină, familie, îmbrăcatul la costum - de unde și denumirea de adolescenți întârziați - când vine vorba de crize existențiale, se schimbă situația. Nu mai vorbim de criza vârstei de mijloc ci, de câțiva ani, a apărut un nou concept: criza vârstei de un sfert.

În caz că viața voastră e departe de crize de orice fel, salvați materialul ăsta pentru anii care vin. Dar dacă aveți anxietăți în legătură cu sensul vieții și ziua de naștere e acompaniată cu întrebări de genul ”ce am făcut eu până acum?”, e bine să știți că nu sunteți singuri. Chiar și Elon Musk s-a confruntat cu o astfel de criză. 

Mai jos, câteva explicații și teorii de la oameni deștepți. 


What is an Existential Crisis?

People often speak of going through an ‘existential crisis’; but what do they really mean by the term? And when can it be useful to have it to hand?


Existentialism: Crash Course Philosophy #16

Now that we’ve left behind the philosophy of religion, it’s time to start exploring what other ways might exist to find meaning in the world. Today we explore essentialism and its response: existentialism. We’ll also learn about Jean-Paul Sartre and his ideas about how to find meaning in a meaningless world.


Elon Musk had an existential crisis at 13


Refusing to Settle: The Quarter-Life Crisis | Adam "Smiley" Poswolsky | TEDxYouth@MileHigh

What is a quarter-life crisis, and how do you break through it? In this engaging and funny talk, the author of an Amazon bestseller on finding meaningful work shares the takeaways from his and other young people confronting the quarter-life crisis head-on.


How to Deal With A Crisis of Meaning

Many of us are regularly thrown off course by what we might term ‘crisis of meaning’; periods when what we are up to seems not to connect up with anything purposeful or properly dignified. It’s at such moments that we need to lean on a bigger theory of what meaning is, where it comes from, and how our lives relate to it.


Albert Camus on nihilism

Last interview of Albert Camus on french television. Nobel Prize laureate, Albert Camus was a French Algerian philosopher. Albert Camus speaks about his last project, based on Fyodor Dostoyevsky's novel : The Possessed.


Why are millennials so stressed? Is it Quarter Life Crisis? | Allison Osborn | TEDxOxbridge

Building on her background in business as well as yoga, Osborn highlights the importance of clarifying your personal and professional priorities as well as income needs to the relevant topic of millennials. Noting novel reasons as to why this generation is plagued by stress and what she terms quarter life crises, Osborn builds upon her experience to offer inspiring, heartfelt advice.


What really matters at the end of life | BJ Miller

At the end of our lives, what do we most wish for? For many, it’s simply comfort, respect, love. BJ Miller is a palliative care physician who thinks deeply about how to create a dignified, graceful end of life for his patients. Take the time to savor this moving talk, which asks big questions about how we think on death and honor life.




Irvin Yalom Live Case Consultation Psychotherapy Video

In this video, Dr. Irvin Yalom provides consultation to three therapists on individual and group therapy cases. See how he translates his existential and interpersonal approach into action.


Heidegger & Modern Existentialism

William Barrett discusses Heidegger and Existentialism with Bryan Magee in this 1978 interview. Existentialists take human existence and the human condition to be a fundamental issue. They tend to be radical individualists who privilege our lived experience and the passions. They focus on themes such as: freedom, authenticity, anxiety/angst/dread, alienation, death, the absurd, and nihilism. They are often suspicious of any fixed human nature and objective/universal values. Some of the most important existentialist thinkers include Jean-Paul Sartre, Martin Heidegger, Søren Kierkegaard, Friedrich Nietzsche, Dostoyevsky, Albert Camus, Karl Jaspers, and Simone de Beauvoir. (My Summary)

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