[Case-Study] CassetteTape

Advertised product: Transformers brand
Name: Rewind to the 80's
Agency: e:mg




In 2018, we happened to host an event inspired by Transformers and 80’s culture. We were picky about guests and wanted to see just those who knew 80’s vibe and could appreciate it. But how could we ‘filter off’ those who were too young or not enthusiastic enough? We thought, and thought, and thought, and eventually we wrote event invitation details on the cassete tape and packed it together with a pencil. This way we made guests rewind to 80’s and to find out a way to 80’s inspired event. See — people, who new how to rewind a tape with a pencil, were indeed the ones we wanted to invite! And, judging by the media buzz, they appreciated it. Results: 1 cassete. 1 pencil. 54 715 738 reach



Olga Machilskya - Marketing Director Hasbro Russia
Tatiana Nufferova - Marketing manager Hasbro Russia
Alena Andreeva - Brand manager Hasbro Russia
Maya Moskvicheva - Director Hasbro Consumer Products Hasbro Russia
Anton Melnikov - Managing partner, creative & strategy, e:mg
Maxim Kolyshev - Chief creative officer, e:mg [email protected]
Evgeny Tatarnikov - Creative Director, e:mg [email protected]
Pavel Petukhov - Creative Director, e:mg
Andrey Brovko - Copywriter, e:mg
Igor Efimov - Strategic Planning Director, e:mg
Anna Vergun - Producer, e:mg
Ekaterina Isupova – Creative designer, e:mg
Rogov Alexey – Art director, e:mg
Tatyana Tarmogina - Managing Director, e:mg
Natalya Reshetina - Head of Client Service, e:mg
Maxim Shishkov - Digital Account Director, e:mg





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