Dr Leventer Centre - Ai puterea sa-i salvezi dintr-o privire! _ 2


In Romania, there is growing concern about the low level of knowledge and interest in skin health, which can lead to serious consequences such as late diagnosis of skin cancer. In an effort to raise awareness about this issue, in the context of the Global Skin Cancer Awareness Month, the Skin Health Foundation and Dr. Leventer Centre initiated the "Save Lives at a Glance!" information campaign. With age, the risk of developing skin cancer increases, and older individuals may be less proactive in seeking medical attention for suspicious skin changes. Family members, as primary caregivers and close observers, play a crucial role in identifying any unusual skin changes that could be early signs of skin cancer. The campaign aims to empower individuals to be vigilant and proactive in monitoring their parents' and grandparents' skin, offering guidance on what to look for and when to seek medical advice. By fostering both sense of responsibility and knowledge within families, early detection and timely intervention can become the key to early diagnosis of skin cancer and better outcomes.

MPR Agency:
Andreea Cristea - CEO
Marius Vlad – Creative & Art Director
Cristina Ersen - Head of PR
Dana Canurschi - Copywriter

Dr Leventer Centre:
Simona Cernea - Executive Manager
Anda Weber - Process Improvement Specialist
Mihai Zorila - Operational Manager







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