Pusa pe muzica si animatie, berea lui Bukowski nu se trezeste niciodata

Pusa pe muzica si animatie, berea lui Bukowski nu se trezeste niciodata

Trebuie spus, ca un soi de disclaimer de inceput, ca unii dintre noi ne-am asternut demult loialitatile alaturi de berea buna. Iar daca, de-a lungul timpului, am alocat spatiu generos spoturilor sau povestilor frumoase de bere, este pentru ca tinem la arta asta. Nu beti bere cand conduceti, nu beti bere proasta si alte mesaje importante pe care ne-am straduit sa le transmitem prin intermediul celei mai bune bauturi pe timp de vara.

Animatia de mai jos face parte din aceasta lume. Asta desi, ati putea spune, este foarte putin despre bere. Este despre poezie si animatie si character design facute cu talent si simt de raspundere. Iar Bukowski a avut marele merit de a sti sa bea si sa scrie. Bere, whiskey si vin. Dar bere, cel mai mult.

Iata si cuvintele acestui poem util la despartire:

I don't know how many bottles of beer
I have consumed while waiting for things 
to get better
I dont know how much wine and whisky
and beer
mostly beer
I have consumed after 
splits with women-
waiting for the phone to ring
waiting for the sound of footsteps,
and the phone to ring
waiting for the sounds of footsteps,
and the phone never rings
until much later
and the footsteps never arrive
until much later
when my stomach is coming up
out of my mouth
they arrive as fresh as spring flowers:
"what the hell have you done to yourself?
it will be 3 days before you can fuck me!"

the female is durable
she lives seven and one half years longer
than the male, and she drinks very little beer
because she knows its bad for the figure.

while we are going mad
they are out
dancing and laughing
with horney cowboys.

well, there's beer
sacks and sacks of empty beer bottles
and when you pick one up
the bottle fall through the wet bottom
of the paper sack 
spilling gray wet ash
and stale beer,
or the sacks fall over at 4 a.m.
in the morning
making the only sound in your life.

rivers and seas of beer
the radio singing love songs
as the phone remains silent
and the walls stand
straight up and down
and beer is all there is.

Proiectul este semnat de NERDO Studio din Italia, care au in portofoliu si alte bijuterii care cer timp si liniste pentru a fi urmarite asa cum trebuie. Cum ar fi, de exemplu, acest opener facut pentru Far East Film Festival, unde cinematograful asiatic isi proiecteaza cele mai bune lucrari. 

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