Production Team @ 2029 Productions

Anunt valabil pana la data de 2024-05-18
Companie: 2029 Productions
Specializare: Project Manager, Productie
Tip job: Full Time
Nivel: Middle

Production dream team wanted!

We’re looking for producers, assistant producers, production coordinators, photo producers and interns. If you’re creative, witty, open-minded and up-to-date with pop culture, you might just be the right one for us.

Do you want to work with the coolest directors and photographers in town?
Are you down to work hard, coordonate projects and talk on the phone all day?
Are you calm and confident under pressure?
Does being on set for commercials, photo shootings and music videos sound fun to you?
Then come join us!

At 2029, we believe a new world is emerging. You may as well get on board now.
If this sounds good to you, send us your CV.

Aplica la acest job

Aplicatia ta va ajunge la 2029 Productions.

Datele de identificare sunt:

2029 Film Farm Productions S.R.L.
înregistrată la Registrul Comerţului sub nr. J40/10154/2012

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