Graphic Designer/Art @ HUBvertising

Anunt valabil pana la data de 2024-05-19
Companie: HUBvertising
Specializare: Social Media, Marketing, Graphic Designer, Digital, Art
Tip job: Full Time
Nivel: Middle

We are looking for a talented & creative Graphic Designer to join our team at HUBvertising.

He/She will be responsible for creating designs for a variety of advertising campaigns including print, digital and social media visuals as well as to coordinate the visual execution of video content.


  • Develop insights led concepts and design layouts for different type of materials: posters, banners, social media graphics, newsletters, landing pages, etc
  • Collaborate in brainstorming sessions together with the creative team
  • Ensure that the visual proposals are appealing and meet Client’s objectives.
  • Stay up to date on industry trends and best practices



  • Experience in graphic design of minimum 3 years.
  • Advertising agency background is highly preferred.
  • Profficient in Adobe Creative Suite
  • Strong portfolio showcasting a range of design styles and project types
  • Ability to work fast
  • Very organized
  • Have a good stress management in front of tight deadlines
  • Fluent in English


Who we are:

We are HUBvertising, a multi-agency marketing hub where talented people from different agencies are shaking hands to ensure a 360º solutions for the clients.
We have passion & drive to build a place where the client meets the right people who understand its need and effortlessly bring tailored solutions on the table.
We thrive for a deep understanding of trends and new tech and merge our knowledge in multicultural markets & enviroments with our technical capabilities and uniques skills to obtain effective strategies.

Aplica la acest job

Aplicatia ta va ajunge la HUBvertising.

Datele de identificare sunt:

înregistrată la Registrul Comerţului sub nr. J23/62/2024

Te informam ca în conformitate cu prevederile Regulamentului General privind Protectia Datelor, aplicabil din 25 mai 2018, datele tale cu caracter personal furnizate prin intermediul acestei aplicatii vor fi prelucrate de catre companie doar îi scopul ocuparii acestei pozitii vacante şi stocate pe o perioadă de maxim 18 luni in vederea indeplinirii interesului legitim al companiei.

Prin aplicarea la acesta pozitie confirmati ca ati citit si ati inteles declaratia de confidentialitate de mai sus, precum si modul de prelucrare a datelor facuta de IQads pentru functionarea acestui serviciu.

Maxim 3000 de caractere

Formatele acceptate: pdf, doc, txt, rtf, jpg, png, gif, ppt, pps. In limita a 5 MB.

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