SEO Specialist @ Teilor

Anunt valabil pana la data de 2024-05-19
Companie: Teilor
Specializare: Foto/Video, Strategie, Social Media, SEO, Marketing, E-Commerce, Digital
Tip job: Full Time
Nivel: Senior

We are currently looking for an experienced SEO Specialist to join our Ecommerce team. The successful candidate will be responsible for planning, implementing, and managing our SEO tactics and strategy.
If you have a passion for online marketing and a deep understanding of technical search engine optimization, we would love to hear from you. You will be reporting to our Head of Digital.


  • 4+ years of SEO experience;
  • Knowledge of current SEO practices;
  • Knowledge of HTML/CSS and technical skills are a plus;
  • Experience with SEO reporting and SEO analytics tools;
  • Familiarity with relevant tools (e.g., Conductor, Screaming Frog, MOZ) and web analytics tools;
  • Excellent communication skills.


Key Responsibilities about the role:

  • Plan, develop and implement our SEO strategy;
  • Work towards organic search optimization and ROI maximization;
  • Regularly perform thorough keywords research;
  • Identify key SEO KPIs;
  • Monitor redirects, click rate, bounce rate, and other KPIs;
  • Prepare and present reports regularly;
  • Identify problems and deficiency and support the technical solution implementations;
  • Work with web developers and marketing teams to properly implement SEO best practices;
  • Stay up to date with the latest SEO and digital marketing latest trends and best practices.


Benefits beyond the role:

  • An exciting industry, the beautiful world of diamonds;
  • The unique opportunity to develop yourself and your career by joining a successful and passionate team of professionals and playing an important role in our success story;
  • Competitive Compensation & Benefits Package, including private medical care, Sodexo Meal vouchers, access to company product discounts, internal library and other perks;
  • A motivating salary according to your qualifications and career level.

Location: Office Bucharest

If all this sounds like a challenge for you, apply and we will be thrilled to know you. We are absolutely thankful for your interest in our company and for considering this job opportunity. We are receiving quite many applications for various roles and therefore the process of screening may take a while. We don't use AI in our recruiting process, meaning that an actual colleague from the Talent Acquisition team will carefully screen and review all eligible applications, with no exceptions.

Thank you,
TEILOR Talent Acquisition Team.

Aplica la acest job

Aplicatia ta va ajunge la Teilor.

Datele de identificare sunt:

Teilor este brandul companiei Credit-gold & Gf 2003 Srl 
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