The 2016 FIBRA Awards - Our Round Up

96 de speakeri au participat la 4 zile de conferinte, workshop-uri, talk-uri si debate-uri creative, derulate in paralel cu jurizarea a 371 de inscrieri de catre de 8 creativi de top din toata lumea. Mai exact, 724 case-uri inscrise in cele 14 categorii si 42 de subcategorii ale festivalului. O gala de premiere in care cele mai bune campanii de comunicare romanesti au fost recunoscute. Juriul a acordat 21 de premii Gold, 27 de premii Silver, 42 de premii Bronze, 3 premii Grand FIBRA, 1 premiu special si 5 distinctii pentru: Clientul Anului, Campania Anului, Agentia Anului, Copywriterul Anului si Art Director-ul Anului.  9 alte premii (3 Gold, 3 Silver si 3 Bronze) s-au oferit in cadrul unei sectiuni speciale a competitiei, dedicate tinerilor sub 30 ani.

Dar, poate cel mai important, in timpul Premiilor FIBRA 2016 industria locala de comunicare si-a gasit primul loc de intalnire intr-o perioada de timp; un loc de sarbatoare dedicat publicitatii romanesti in intreg ansamblul ei, unde nemultumirile, ambitiile personale sau rivalitatile au parut dintr-odata mai mici.


96 speakers took part in 4 days of conferences, workshops, creative talks and debates going on as 8 top international creatives from all over the world were deliberating 371 entries. Namely, 724 case studies were entered in 14 categories and 42 subcategories of the competition. An award gala where the best and brightest of our communication campaigns were acknowledged. The jury awarded 21 Gold Awards, 27 Silver Awards, 42 Bronze Awards, 3 Grand FIBRA Awards, 1 special award and 5 distinctions: Client of the Year, Campaign of the Year, Agency of the Year, Copywriter of the Year and Art Director of the Year. 9 other awards (3 Gold, 3 Silver, 3 Bronze) were handed in a special section of the competition dedicated to creatives under the age of 30.

But maybe most importantly, during the 2016 FIBRA Awards the local communication industry found its first meeting place in quite a while; a place of celebration dedicated to the big picture of Romanian advertising, where discontents, personal ambitions or rivalries suddenly seemed smaller.



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