Digital Art Director @ MRM//McCann

Anunt valabil pana la data de 2024-05-28
Companie: MRM//McCann
Specializare: Social Media, Marketing, Digital, Art
Tip job: Full Time
Nivel: Middle

We are looking for someone with the right combination of strategic thinking and artistic skills who has the passion for digital in their DNA. An Art Director that understands brands and can easily come up with concepts and ideas for them while also creating killer visuals spread across social media.

What you need:

  • An undergraduate degree in communications, marketing, advertising, public relations, media studies, business and/or related fields;
  • 2-4 years experience in a creative role in an advertising agency setting;
  • Portfolio of creative work;
  • Strong conceptual and design skills;
  • Ability to understand client’s business requirements in order to design creative for their needs;
  • In-depth knowledge of the creative process.


What you will do:

  • Develop and direct original visual concepts that are exciting and creatively attractive;
  • Come up with innovative solutions to meet the client’s brief;
  • Work with creative directors, copywriters, producers, clients, and other team members in order to support the overall brand goals and objectives;
  • Create production-ready designs and layouts, establish the look/tone/feel for campaigns and executions and convey ideas through well-designed presentations;
  • Work effectively within a cross-functional team environment and exhibit a proactive approach to problem solving within pressure sensitive environments.

If you are as excited as we are, please send us your resume/CV, your portfolio, and any other materials you consider relevant. We won't be reviewing applications that don't include a creative portfolio.

We're looking forward to start working with you!

Aplica la acest job

Aplicatia ta va ajunge la MRM//McCann.

Datele de identificare sunt:

S.C Mrm Parteneri S.R.L.
înregistrată la Registrul Comerţului sub nr. J40/4017/2003

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Maxim 3000 de caractere

Formatele acceptate: pdf, doc, txt, rtf, jpg, png, gif, ppt, pps. In limita a 5 MB.

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