Senior Digital Copywriter @ Dare Digital

Anunt valabil pana la data de 2024-05-14
Companie: Dare Digital
Specializare: Social Media, Marketing, Digital
Tip job: Full Time
Nivel: Senior

Are you ready to elevate brands through the power of words?

We're on the lookout for a talented Senior Digital Copywriter to join our team and play a pivotal role in shaping the storytelling and messaging strategies of our clients.
As a Senior Copywriter, you'll have the opportunity to lead the charge in crafting impactful brand stories and marketing messages that resonate with audiences across various platforms.

Do you thrive on breathing life into brands through your words and messaging strategies?

Our ideal candidate is a seasoned wordsmith with a proven track record of creating captivating copy that drives engagement and inspires action.
Whether it's crafting website content that captures the essence of a brand, developing content activations that spark conversation, or writing persuasive ad campaigns that compel audiences to take the next step, you'll have the creative freedom to make a lasting impression in the digital landscape.

If you're skilled at creating resonant copy that drives engagement and inspires action, we want to hear from you.

With 3-5 years of experience in copywriting, you'll bring a wealth of expertise to our team and have the opportunity to collaborate with clients across diverse industries to tell their stories in unique and compelling ways.
Your keen eye for detail and passion for storytelling will be instrumental in shaping the voice and tone of our clients' brands, driving brand awareness, and ultimately, achieving their marketing objectives.

Apply now and become an essential part of our talented ecosystem, where your creativity and expertise will shine.

Aplica la acest job

Aplicatia ta va ajunge la Dare Digital.

Datele de identificare sunt:

Optimus Performance Marketing S.R.L.
înregistrată la Registrul Comerţului sub nr. J40/4310/2014

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Maxim 3000 de caractere

Formatele acceptate: pdf, doc, txt, rtf, jpg, png, gif, ppt, pps. In limita a 5 MB.

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