Account Manager_Integrated Communication @ MERCURY360

Anunt valabil pana la data de 2024-06-21
Companie: Mercury360
Specializare: Marketing, Digital, BTL, ATL, Account
Tip job: Full Time
Nivel: Middle

Our team is growing, and we want you: the one who knows what it is and how integrated communication is done; the one who has experience but has not given up on grand ambitions.

We need you with very good English and at least 1-2 years experience in coordinating integrated communications campaigns (ATL, BTL, digital). If you've worked on FMCG brands before, you liked it and you want more, you're the one.

We have a playground for big dreams, great projects, and excellent coffee. And needless to say what a fantastic team is waiting for you. If you want to make a change and find your place, let's talk.

Send your CV.

Aplica la acest job

Aplicatia ta va ajunge la Mercury360.

Datele de identificare sunt:

Mercury360 Communications S.R.L.
înregistrată la Registrul Comerţului sub nr. J40/12388/1998

Te informam ca în conformitate cu prevederile Regulamentului General privind Protectia Datelor, aplicabil din 25 mai 2018, datele tale cu caracter personal furnizate prin intermediul acestei aplicatii vor fi prelucrate de catre companie doar îi scopul ocuparii acestei pozitii vacante şi stocate pe o perioadă de maxim 18 luni in vederea indeplinirii interesului legitim al companiei.

Prin aplicarea la acesta pozitie confirmati ca ati citit si ati inteles declaratia de confidentialitate de mai sus, precum si modul de prelucrare a datelor facuta de IQads pentru functionarea acestui serviciu.

Maxim 3000 de caractere

Formatele acceptate: pdf, doc, txt, rtf, jpg, png, gif, ppt, pps. In limita a 5 MB.

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