Paid Ads

While some website traffic, leads, and customers will come through “unpaid” sources (basically legwork and site engineering done by digital marketers), it’s also possible to generate traffic through paid ads. Paid ads bypasses the “sweat equity” of doing things like SEO and social media marketing by hand, ensuring that your marketing content will jump to the head of the line—but, like the name suggests, it will cost you.

In some cases the cost is worth it, while in other cases it’s more cost-effective to take a DIY digital marketing approach. It really depends on the specifics of a business’ size, goals, needs, etc. Paid ads typically include two main categories:

  • Social Media Ads—Social media ads are distributed to users on social media networks based on trackable online behavior like online group memberships, age and social demographics, social media “likes,” browser history, etc.
  • Display Ads—These are generally banner ads displayed on websites or apps and composed of text, images, video, and/or audio content. Display ads can be targeted similarly to social media ads based on the same kind of trackable behavior metrics.

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