Editia cu numarul 95 a Art Directors Club Annual Awards a avut loc pe 9 iunie la ADC Gallery din New York. Potrivit unui comunicat emis de organizatori, marii castigatori, avand in vedere scorurile per total obtinute in restul categoriilor de concurs, au revenit Leo Burnett Worlwide (Network of the Year), BBDO New York (Advertising Agency of the Year), R/GA New York (Digital Agency of the Year), Dentsu, Inc. Tokyo (Design Agency of the Year), Goodoil Films Australia (Production Company of the Year). Titlul Client of the Year a revenit Loteria Y Apuestas Del Estado din Madrid. School of Visual Arts New York a fost numita School of the Year.
Leo Burnett Worldwide este Network of the Year si BBDO New York este Agency of the Year la editia 95 a ADC Annual Awards