About a week ago, Phil Hawksworth's feet (Technical Director, R/GA London) were walking on Romanian soil towards Marriott Hotel, where he was going to be a speaker for JSCamp Romania, conference organised for front-end developers and engineers, web designers and web entrepreneurs. Phil holds a degree in Computer Science and Business and has more than 10 years experience in building things for the web. It's been three years since he works for R/GA London. As I've never had the opportunity to talk to a Technical Director, especially one that has worked for brands such as Beats by Dre or Nike+, I've asked Phil some questions about the workflow at R/GA London, about how you can make sure that the digital part is in line with the other components of a campaign, about trends in web development.
Phil Hawksworth (R/GA Londra): I'm interested in building experiences that serve the user and the client more than the ego of an agency

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