[#FIBRAjury] Olivia Walsh (apple tree communications): "Either very dramatic or very funny work; we either laughed or we cried"

Chief Creative Officer al unei agentii de PR pe care a si fondat-o, Olivia Walsh ne spune cum, dupa cateva vorbe de complezenta si buna ziua, juratii internationali ale Premiilor FIBRA se apucasera deja de lucru. La cateva zile distanta, Olivia a afirmat urmatoarele despre ceilalti membri ai juriului: "De fapt si de drept, nu vreau sa-i mai vad in viata mea". Dar, fiti pe pace, glumea la momentul respectiv. Umorul este si unul dintre elementele pe care le-a apreciat la publicitatea romaneasca; comica sau dramatica, pentru Olivia, creativitatea romaneasca nu lasa mai nimic pentru zona de mijloc. 


A Chief Creative Officer working in a PR agency that she herself founded, Olivia Walsh tells us how after a brief introduction and some small talk, the international jurors of the FIBRA Awards immediately got down to judging. After a couple of days spent together with the jury, she had this to say:" I actually never want to see them again". But, rest assured, she was kidding at the time. Humour is also something she appreciated about Romanian advertising; humorous and dramatic, for Olivia, Romanian creativity leaves little to the middle ground. 




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